I don't generally report news. But I do like to discuss topics IT-related topics that potentially impact our environment. Working in IT, I've seen my share of diesel generators and lead acid battery rooms. I've also weathered week-long power outages at home, spurring me to get a generator. Coupled…
This is not a sponsored blog post. My extended family has purchased 7 of the various PFCLCD models since 2012, and it's gone well, with just one battery replacement needed so far. I've found them to be very easy to install and configure at friends and family homes. Without a PC, and without a man…
Why would I look seriously at a $36 gas can from Amazon that's apparently not available anywhere locally, despite being made in the USA? Safety first, which we'll return to in a minute. Then there's lack of any shipping cost with Amazon Prime. Even slightly less expensive options like S…
I don't tend to freak out about such things, since accurate predictions tend to be rare. We were spared most of Sandy's wrath, a storm that followed a similar path. This is not to say we haven't had an interesting few years of weather, which prompted my own generator purchase. The time may come…
Like peanut butter and jelly. Spaghetti and meatballs. Bluetooth and headphones and yardwork. You know, things that go well together. Practical, efficient things that I have personally tested out. Useful around my own home, and paid for with my own money. There are some products that you might…
This article has been popular for many years right through 2019, and it still works right up through vSphere 6.7 Update 2 and PowerPanel Business Edition Agent for Virtual Machine version 4.0! The latest info has been appended via detailed updates below. Introduction CyberPower PFCLCD Series…
Interested in reading more about setting up something similar in your home, say during an extended cable Internet outage? Such wiring scenarios are particularly handy if you wish to leave your network and all gizmos as-they-were, making riding out an outage far easier on everybody. Perhaps you have …
These instructions will get you through the simple connection sharing process, with an accompanying video to also demonstrate how straight-forward and fast this is to set up. Jump to steps 1,2,3 below to read the step-by-step guide with screenshots, or jump to the walk through video at the end…
ETQ TG72K12 8,250 Watt 13 HP 420cc 4-Cycle OHV Gas Powered Portable Generator with Electric Start I live in a lovely, quiet suburb in central Connecticut, about 30 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean/Long Island Sound. This proximity to warm water moderates the temperature extremes a bit. But we…
It began with a sketch after a storm in 2011: Hopefully this Visio version is a bit easier to interpret: It all started at 11am today, with me noticing all my home's devices had gone offline. No clouds available. Without the usual green blinky lights on my DOCSIS 3 cablemodem: …
I'm sorry my posts have decreased in frequency, as I'm fighting the after-effects of a freak early snowstorm in the Northeast on Satuday, October 29th. It took down many trees (that still had leaves on them), and downed more power lines than anything I can recall in my town in 17 years. So my n…
I recently learned that there may be some special considerations when shopping for a new, efficient, and properly sized power supply/UPS combination. I don't know for sure, but it didn't really cost me significantly more money, and I now know first-hand that my UPS seems to work fine with my power …