How to seamlessly replace a cable modem with cellular during outages

Interested in reading more about setting up something similar in your home, say during an extended cable Internet outage? Such wiring scenarios are particularly handy if you wish to leave your network and all gizmos as-they-were, making riding out an outage far easier on everybody. Perhaps you have a generator, and are the only home with Internet and power. This sort of configuration, with everything running off a generator, is a great way to go.
Other advantages include:
- allows you to go past limits on the number of devices you share your cell phone connection with
- allows you to get wired network systems back online
- if you have a VOIP device like Ooma, it'll be back online too, see more diagrams/discussion here
Disadvantages include:
- watch out for your data usage! (temporarily disable daily backups or other large bandwidth uses)
Read more about how to configure.
When your home’s Internet goes down, here’s a cellular work-around, Jul 15 2012
How to enable WiFi Personal Hotspot or USB Tethering on an iPhone, easily sharing your Internet with nearby devices, Oct 28 2012
or sit back and watch me demonstrate.
iOS: System requirements for Personal Hotspot
iOS: Understanding Personal Hotspot