Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE 1.1 fully supports Windows 10, and restores to smaller SSDs
You may have spotted Ben commenting right here on TinkerTry
He's right! I hadn't yet spotted the August 4th announcements, to thanks to Ben, I'm now kicking the tires on a fresh copy of Windows 10. I'm using some PCs where I "convinced" the 1.0 release of VEB (Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE) to install and work on Windows 10, as I explained at:
Later came Veeam's KB2057
Services suddenly stopped working after upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10
to help upgraders
JUL 27 2015
But it sure wasn't long before Mike Resseler announced in the forums
We are live - Windows 10 support with VEB 1.1
AUG 04 2015

It's great to see such rapid support for the latest OS release, especially handy in a home lab like mine, where I'm always on the leading edge. It's frustrating if you can't back up those fresh or upgraded Windows 10 deployments on your family PCs and laptops, which is why I did the convincing, so I maintained peace of mind all along.
What's new? Not just Windows 10 support, there's also Volume resize, so you can restore backups not just to same or bigger drives, but also to smaller drives, like a new SSD. I'll also be testing VEB 1.1 with my 2TB SSD. Enhanced retention of the original system's network configuration, and many other improvements:
- It is here! Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE 1.1 with Windows 10 support!
AUG 04 2015 by Mike Resseler, Veeam Blog
Here's Dima P.'s announce of this new release:
Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE 1.1
Released on: August 4th, 2015
GA version: > Download hereComplete list of the new features and enhancements > What's New in 1.1
System Requirements, Known Issues, Installation and Upgrade > Release Notes
All user guides, manuals and other documentation in multiple formats > Veeam Help Center
Get your from:
Anybody can sign up for free, download immediately, and start using VEB right away for automated daily PC backups, usually with no reboot required.
Consider giving VEB 1.1 a try, with the bare-metal restore feature the most compelling of all, especially for folks who already have a home server (fire sharing CIFS/SMB), or owners of a NAS that doesn't have software for full backup / bare metal restore. Works fine in conjunction with my own Windows Home Server 2012 R2 Essentials VM, but for backup servers, any Windows OS left running 24x7 that has a network share would be fine. If you want an easy view of the backup status of each PC, you'd need to step up to Veeam Backup & Replication v8, which is available as free NFR code for VCPs or vExperts (no time-bombs). Note, VEB still gets installed on each PC, stays completely free, all that changes is your VEB clients get configured to back up to a Backup & Replication Respository, instead of a network share, or locally-attached storage device.
Veeam offers free support, with your support ticket opened easily from inside the slick UI, and replies via email. I've been using the prior release of VEB on several of my family's systems for nearly a year now. Fast, works well, and restores are easy.
Interesting use-case. When a laptop in the family needs service, I simply restore their latest Veeam backup to a Virtual Machine in my ESXi 6.0 home lab, booting the Veeam recovery ISO, to allow me to restore the image of their drive to the VM's virtual drive). I then grant them temporary remote access to this VM, loaning them an older laptop as a "thin client" of sorts. When the laptop comes back, I restore the last daily backup of that VM to their hard drive. Thus, productivity is maintained by them and by me, and no data is lost.
System Requirements
Excerpt from the Release notes:
System Requirements
Protected Endpoint
CPU: x86 processor.
Memory: 2 GB RAM.
Disk Space: 150 MB for product installation.
Network: 1 Mbps or faster. High latency and reasonably unstable WAN links are supported.
System firmware: BIOS or UEFI.
Drive encryption: Microsoft BitLocker (optional)
Both 64-bit and 32-bit (where applicable) versions of the following operating systems are
• Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
• Microsoft Windows 8.x
• Microsoft Windows 10
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
• Microsoft Windows Server 2012
• Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
The following required 3rd party software is included in the setup program and is installed
automatically when installing the product:
• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB Edition
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects
• Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
Backup Target
Backup can be performed to the following disk-based storage:
• Local (internal) storage of the protected endpoint (not recommended).
• Direct attached storage (DAS), such as USB, eSATA or Firewire external drives.
• Network Attached Storage (NAS) able to represent itself as SMB (CIFS) share.
• Veeam Backup & Replication 8.0 Update 2 or later backup repository
Many more videos here, including file level restores.
Aug 11 2015 Update

Do you realize it only costs $30 to send your kid off to college with a full backup of their system, all working nicely? Yes, 128GB USB 3.0 Flash drives are pretty cheap, and for most systems, that should fit the backup of a 256GB SSD that's like 70% full of homework and games.
Here's one I'm testing soon from Best Buy, on sale now, the SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive, at 128GB capacity and 100MB/s speed.
Also available on Amazon.
If all you're backing up is a fresh Windows 10 Pro install, you only need a 32GB SSD, and those can be had for just $12, such as the SanDisk Ultra Fit 32GB Low-Profile Flash Drive, using labels like [these](Get those tiny USB flash drives labeled quickly, effectively, and affordably). The first full backup image of Windows 10 Pro will take up about 7GB on that flash drive.
Aug 14 2015 Update
Tip: (for those who didn't watch the video) You can actually kick off the creation of the recovery media (USB flash drive) right after the install, as it suggests, but you don't need to wait for that to finish. Just launch Veeam and kickoff that first backup, at the same time, saving you time when you're off at a relatives house trying to get that first backup done as quickly as possible.
Aug 26 2015 Update is now out, and offered via the automatic update mechanism inside VEB itself, on the Update tab. See also the August 21st announcement:
- [ALL VERSIONS] Current version is (Aug 21, 2015)
System Requirements, Known Issues, Installation and Upgrade > Release Notes
All user guides, manuals and other documentation in multiple formats > Veeam Help Center
If you don't see this update prompt, be sure you have the "Automatically check and notify me on available updates" checkbox set:

See also at TinkerTry
Get those tiny USB flash drives labeled quickly, effectively, and affordably
JUN 10 2015 -
Feature and performance comparison between Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials and Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE
DEC 15 2014 - All Veeam Endpoint Backup articles
See also
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You'll only get to see Anton Gostev's legendary weekly Sunday newsletters that >30,000 members have enjoyed for years, if you sign-up for a Veeam account. These delightfully long emails aren't just about Veeam. We read about his hackable Chrysler recently for example, and his signature candor is always kind of stunning. When there's a software flaw, Veeam admits it. Admirable, and entertaining, a compelling combination. - Microsoft left the home backup server market, is Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE about to take over?
DEC 05 2014
Disclosure: Veeam has been an advertiser on many virtualization sites for years now, and Veeam is currently running a BuySellAds-purchased advertisement along the top of TinkerTry as well. All TinkerTry advertisement goes through third party BuySellAds. None of my articles are sponsored posts, and note that there are currently no affiliate links for Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE, or any of their other products., LLC is not a Veeam Pro Partner. There are no commissions for any Veeam products folks buy after reading one of my articles.
I reserve the right to freely write about topics that I choose, whenever I choose to, an essential part of what makes blogging about home virtualization labs, storage, and backup so much fun.