Notes from MWhite - "Home Lab Decision Making – NUC and Supermicro" and "Setting up my new Supermicro vSphere host"
Putting yourself out there on the web has its benefits, including virtually meeting people from all over this planet who share tips and tricks.
What a nice feeling, when I recently came across the perspective of an enthusiastic Mac/NUC/SuperServer guy who recently went through the home lab decision-making process. He tried a NUC, but in the end, stuck with his new Supermicro SuperServer Xeon D-1541 Bundle 2. See his detailed thought process in his article, with an excerpt below:
- Home Lab Decision Making – NUC and Supermicro
Sep 18 2016 by Michael White at notesfrommwhite.netCan I get it cheaper? I added 64 GB of RAM so you don’t have to get that but that is only 338 US$.
The machine I bought – with only the extra memory – for a total of 128, and with a USB to boot vSphere from uses 39 Watts of energy after it has boot. It hit 61 Watts as it was bootting but was at 39 pretty quick.
So glad he found the table in this comparison article helpful!
What's more, Michael took the time to document tips and tricks discovered when actually deploying VMware vSphere 6 on his new mini-tower! If you already have a Xeon D SuperServer, or are just SuperServer-curious, it's likely a helpful read:
- Setting up my new Supermicro vSphere host
Sep 18 2016 by Michael White at make this server work. Since I bought a bundle it means it has been burned in, and tested, plus BIOS updated and BIOS configuration done appropriately. So all nice. If you did not buy this hardware via WiredZone and Paul you need to check this article out for BIOS config.
Some of the points he makes are things I've thought about and/or observed, yet simply hadn't yet published. Others are completely new. It's greatly appreciated to have even more Canadian help out there, check out Michael White's list of certifications!
Sep 30 2016 Update
When I published this article yesterday, I honestly hadn't yet looked Michael White up on LinkedIn, to realize the he works for Veeam! Disclosure - Veeam advertises at TinkerTry, and I'm a Veeam Vanguard, details here.
Oct 08 2016 Update
An update from Michael White, published in his Newsletter: October 8, 2016:
BTW, remember the Supermicro vs. NUC article? And the setup of Supermicro article? I was talking to a co-worker (a new one that I am quite looking forward to working with) and he is going to buy a Supermicro like mine. I realized at that time I need another one. Good grief. NUC’s do have their place, but I like the Supermicro for the memory (128 GB), KVM, and the 10 GB network ports.
...when I checked out INF8172 at VMworld I was very surprised and very pleased. Surprised at the improvements, but also by the fact that HTML5 Client and the Web Client will ship together in the next release. As much as I like the vSphere Web Client, I really like the changes on the way! The new name is vSphere Client. You can be ready for the new HTML5 client by using the fling now.
This section is followed by a very many of very useful links he's shared, including:
HTML5 Client updated – now at 2.8
You can read the changelog, but this is something good to be using in your lab. It is a sign of things to be in the future, and it is a joy to use. You can download this great tool here, and BTW, my upgrade was smooth and easy.
May 16 2017 Update
Hey, I know that guy! Great to be here at VeeamON 2017, so many people I finally get to meet face-to-face, great start to day 1! Veeam Availability Orchestrator beta is now available.
See also at TinkerTry
See also
- TinkerTry'd SuperServer Build
Aug 2016 by dinnersticks