VeeamON 2017 has some remarkable technologists, and I'll be there!

Posted by Paul Braren on May 13 2017 in
  • Backup
  • Windows
  • ESXi
  • VMware
  • See

    I'll be an attendee at VeeamON 2017 in New Orleans this week, with about 2,000 other IT Pros. I'm honored to be going as a Veeam Vanguard, ready to learn, socialize, blog, and enjoy the remarkable keynote speakers:

    • Sanjay Poonen
      Chief Operating Officer, Customer Operations, VMware

    • Mark Russinovich
      Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Azure

    • Frank Palumbo
      Senior Vice President Cisco Global Data Center & Virtualization Sales, Cisco

    • Bill Philbin
      Senior Vice President and GM for Storage & Big Data Segment Solutions, Data Center Infrastructure Group, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    I got to hear Sanjay speak at VMware's internal WWKO 2017 earlier this year, but I have never heard Mark Russinovich speak, having used his Windows Sysinternals tools regularly for over 2 decades now. Looking forward to all of these keynotes!


    I was recently asked some questions about Veeam by Valdecir Carvalho, aka @homelaber. He'll be publishing the full interview soon, translated into Portuguese! Watch for it at, meanwhile, here's an excerpt, in English:

    Valdecir asks:
    You're a Veeam Vanguard, right? How did you join the program?

    I spent a lot of time with Veeam FastSCP a decade ago, helping test the move to 64 bits. Then in 2014, I replaced Windows Home Server with VEB (Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE) very publicly, regularly reporting any issues I encountered, along with providing enhancement ideas. You find stuff when over a dozen family and friends PCs are doing daily backups to your home’s server. I even did a bit of beta testing of Veeam products. I was then nominated and accepted into the (61 member) Veeam Vanguard program.

    And finally VeeamON is just around the corner, tell us what we should expect from the event?

    Looking forward to learning and socializing with Veeam folks like Rick Vanover, Clint Wyckoff, Anton Gostev, Doug Hazelman, Neil Condon, and Mike Resseler. Hopefully, I also get to talk some Xeon D with Anthony Spiteri! Maybe I even get the man behind the Dima P. handle on the Veeam forums, who documented Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE database resets. Yes, I’m proud to be a Veeam Vanguard, my 3rd year! Hopefully Anton has forgiven me by now, for getting a bit too creative with the Veeam Endpoint Backup installer back in 2015 (Windows 10 beta) and 2016 (Windows 2016 beta).


    Oh, and the many VMware colleagues that’ll be there at VeeamOn too. I always love the chance to deep dive chat about vSAN, NVMe, and 3D XPoint, with the likes of John Nicholson.

    I have since learned that VMware's New Orleans local vSAN and scripting legend Jase McCarty will be there at VeeamON too, see and his many posts at Virtual Blocks. I can't wait to (hopefully) catch up with him to nerd about vSAN, Optane, and more!

    Finally, hopefully I'll get to meet VMware's @vPedroArrow, aka, Pete Flecha! What legend, with his amazingly entertaining and education Virtually Speaking Podcast with John Nicholson.

    Paul's Tentative VeeamON 2017 Session Attendance Plans

    • Veeam Vanguard Exclusive Experience
    • Growing Your Cloud Business with Veeam
      Alaina Ankrom, Veeam, Rick Johnson, Veeam, Anthony Spiteri, Veeam
    • Veeam Availability Console and the Agents: Introduction and Technical Demo
      Sam Nicholls, Veeam and Clint Wyckoff, Veeam
    • Maxing Out Performance: The Final Step to Extremely Fast Processing (Edition 2017)
      Petr Makarov, Veeam and Vyacheslav Kuznetsov, Veeam
    • Veeam Support vs. Ransomware
      Ben Milligan, Veeam and Mike Zolkin, Veeam
    • Throw your backups into ANY window
      Luca Dell'Oca, Veeam and Didier Van Hoye, Blogger and Carsten Rachfahl, Blogger
    • Availability in a Profile Driven World
      Michael Cade, Veeam and Pete Flecha, VMware
    • Centralized Management for Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows with Veeam Availability Console
      Vitaliy Safarov, Veeam
    • Ransomware Resiliency for the IT Decision Maker
      Rich Vanover, Veeam and Brian Maher, Veeam
    • VMware Backup Best Practices: 2017 Edition
      Anton Gostev, Veeam
    • The Big Easy Voodoo - vSAN, VVOLs and Veeam
      Joe Gremillion, Veeam and John Nicholson, VMware
    • What's new in v10: A Deeper Dive
      Anton Gostev, Veeam
    • How to Back Up and Restore VMware vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA) and Platform Controllers Properly
      Michael White, Veeam and Emad Younis, VMware
    • How Veeam Plays a Role in Business Continuity - Problems and Answers!
      Michael White, Veeam and Alec King, Veeam
    • What's new with Veeam Agent for Windows 2.0
      Dmitry Popov, Veeam and Clint Wyckoff, Veeam

    VeeamON 2017 - Experience Availability!

    See also at TinkerTry

    See also


    Veeam Vanguard Program., LLC is not a Veeam Pro Partner, but I am a Veeam Vanguard Program member who received travel assistance getting to VeeamOn 2017. Veeam has been an advertiser on many virtualization sites for years now, and Veeam is currently running a BuySellAds-purchased advertisement along the top of TinkerTry as well. All TinkerTry advertisement goes through third party BuySellAds. None of my articles are sponsored posts, and there are currently no affiliate links for Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE, or any of their other products. There are no commissions for any Veeam products folks buy after reading one of my articles.

    TinkerTry takes extreme care to protect visitors by using only one ad network, BuySellAds, which has never had a security issue to date, and is very commonly used in the virtualization blogger community. Their CEO seems to get what's going on with ad blockers, evident in his recent post. I regularly receive lucrative offers from various companies looking to have me inject JavaScript trackers into TinkerTry, which I of course turn down.

    I reserve and exercise the right to freely write about topics that I choose, whenever I choose to, an essential part of what makes blogging about home virtualization labs, storage, and backup so much fun for me. I tend to feature articles about stuff I actually use.