Free SolarWinds VM Monitor works nicely on Windows 10 to monitor your VMware ESX 3.5 right through ESXi 6.5

Posted by Paul Braren on Nov 4 2015 (updated on Nov 21 2016) in
  • Virtualization
  • Windows
  • ESXi
  • Review
  • HomeLab
  • Network
  • I recently rebuilt everything in my home lab, based on the Supermicro SuperServer SYS-5028D-TN4T. My workstation, my datacenter, it's my everything, all in one, saving cost and power. Fully backed up of course, including offsite sync of the most crucial data.

    I've found it super handy and useful to visualize the load on my super important ESXi host at a glance, right from my highly visible Windows 10 system tray:


    Want more details? Just double-click the tray icon, and the UI comes up instantly. Now you can see network traffic on the VMs, along with the usual CPU and memory. No time bombs, no ads that popup, just the innocuous Monitor More ESX Servers and Monitor More Performance Statistics house ad buttons.


    If you'd like to see a video overview, or read more detailed information about using SolarWinds VM Monitor and configuring the ESXi server, please refer back to the original TinkerTry article here, about the same version 1.1.0 of VM Monitor:

    The polling interval appears to be roughly every 15 second, for both the tray icon, and the utility's UI. No memory leaks, can leave it running for weeks. Seems to use very few resources to run. Great for single-ESXi host home labs!

    Give it a try, and let the rest of us know what you think by dropping a comment below!


    These settings work nicely for me. Be sure you have the right password in there, or ESXi is likely to get angry at you with all those invalid login attempts.
    Each section is collapsible. They're shown here expanded, to give you a peek at the variety of VMs currently powered up in my home lab. You can set it to always run on top, or just close the window. Bringing the window up again is just one click away.


    Jan 21 2016 Update

    VM Monitor still works fine with Windows 10, connected to ESXi 6.0 Update 1b.

    Nov 20 2016 Update

    With the recent release of ESXi 6.5, I'm happy to say that Solarwinds VM Monitor still seems to work just fine, article title updated accordingly.

    It works! A little clueless about what the new Photon OS is, but otherwise, all is well.

    Nov 21 2016 Update

    Interesting to note that even VMware own web-based vSphere Client is confused a little too, saying "Other 3.x or later Linux [64-bit]" when viewing the properties of VCSA 6.5/Photon OS."

    Disclosure: TinkerTry currently has no relationship with SolarWinds, and they are not an advertiser. It's a free utility, there are no commissions. I just like the tool, and hope that development can be continued!

    See also