Failing full client restore (CD or USB key), RestoreCDInit.exe - Application Error, 0xc0000025 at location 0xff43b477
I recently had a nasty brush with Intel's SSD caching dropping a drive after a firmware upgrade, requiring me to recreate my 3 drive RAID0 array, restore from my last backup, then turn on SSD caching again in the Intel Rapid Storage Technology UI. Oh well, that's why I have backups:

So I dug up my restore DVD to recover, only to be greeted by this nasty error that I also get on my ThinkPad W520, so I was motivated and determined to get to the bottom of this problem. Previously, I had only been bitten by this bug when using USB boot devices. Apparently, this issue was now happening when booting from CD/DVD as well only because I had just updated gZilla's UEFI BIOS to 2.10 (previous restores earlier this year using DVD worked fine). So that left me fresh out of ways to get this system restored easily, not without solving this problem first anyway.
The error I got is shown here:

RestoreCDInit..exe - Application Error
The exception Cannot Continue
Windows cannot continue from this exception.
(0xc0000025) occurred in the application at location 0xff21b477.Click on OK to terminate the program
The location number 0xff21b477 will likely vary. For example, this user reported location 0xff43b477 in this article:
Failing full client restore (CD or USB key), RestoreCDInit.exe - Application Error, 0xc0000025 at location 0xff43b477
but instead, I sometimes see location 0x00680229 when trying to boot from either the:
Windows Home Server 2011 or Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials recovery CD/DVD or USB key, from either:
- using the Dashboard, Additional client computer backup tasks, Tools tab, Computer recovery "Create key..." Use a computer recovery key to restore a client computer from an existing backup

2. using the ISO files to create a CD/DVD from MSDN called:
Client Restore Disc: Windows Home Server 2011 (x86 and x64) - CD (English)
Client Restore Disc: Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials (x86 and x64) - CD (English)
So what is the workaround?
Simple, just override the default boot for that recovery boot, choosing the UEFI version of the USB key at boot time (as richsmif concludes in the Microsoft discussion, thank you richsmif!)
What does this look like?
Screenshots below! These examples are likely applicable to many other modern/UEFI enabled systems as well:
On a Lenovo ThinkPad like tZilla, press F12 at boot time, and there is no UEFI USB option presented, but if you avoid any USB hubsor docking ports, and plug directly into a USB 2 port, you should be able to avoid the error
On an ASRock mobo system like gZilla, press F11 at boot time, and select the UEFI FLASH Drive device
see also screenshots below for an example

August 12 2012 Update:
On an ancient laptop, an IBM ThinkPad T30, I discovered that the RestoreCDInit.exe error is unavoidable with USB version of restore CD for Windows Home Server 2011, but works fine with the CD/DVD version. Give it a shot, and comment if it works for you too!