VMware Cloud Director, VMware Workstation 16 Pro & Fusion 12 Pro additions to VMUG Advantage are now available, along with vSphere 7.0 Update 1!

Posted by Paul Braren on Oct 8 2020 (updated on Oct 16 2020) in
  • HomeServer
  • Virtualization
  • VMUGAdvantage
  • vSphere7
  • These are major new superpowers your new or existing VMUG Advantage subscription, part of the EVALExperience set of code access perks. Announced minutes ago:

    Click to listen to a great episode about what's new with VMware Fusion, enjoy playback control speeds too!

    Why on earth would anyone buy VMware Workstation Pro or VMware Fusion Pro for $199? Oops, I did actually once, so no judgement here. That was before I learned that I could get the huge list of VMware products too for less money, including VMware vSphere 7.0, vSAN, NSX-T, and many more from VMUG Advantage EVALExperience, and VMware Workstation and Fusion, for just $180 per year! That's $200, minus $20 if you remember to use TINKERTRY at checkout to get your 10% off.

    Subscribe or Renew

    VMware Cloud Directory, Workstation 16 Pro, Fusion 12 Pro

    If you're looking for more information about each of these VMware products, here you go!

    1. VMware Cloud Director
    2. VMware Workstation 16 Pro
      Valued at $199 new, $99 upgrade!
    3. VMware Fusion 12 Pro
      Valued at $199 new, $99 upgrade!

    Note, VMUG Advantage is part of the VMUG organization, so using the same login email address for both is best. The VMUG organization is not owned by VMware.

    Disclosure: VMUG Advantage has purchased ads at TinkerTry within the past 12 months using 3rd party BuySellAds ad placement services, and is using my banner ad space right now. That said, I did create this article and all VMUG Advantage videos independently, and VMUG Advantage had no say in their content.


    TinkerTry - May 06 2020 - How to apply your 1 yr. VMUG Advantage EVALExperience License Keys to your VMware vSphere 7 home lab

    Oct 16 2020 Update

    I've gotten confirmation that vSphere 7.0 Update 1 (VCSA and ESXi) are now available in the VMUG Advantage, all the details on how to download at TinkerTry here:

    See also at TinkerTry




