GeekBeat.TV meetup in Boston with Cali Lewis and John P., November 2013

Posted by Paul Braren on Nov 19 2013 in
  • Podcasts
  • John-P-Paul-Braren-and-Cali-Lewis-Copy

    Was good fun to meet the crew of GeekBeat.TV at their meet-up near Boston Monday, along with many other fans. The relaxed atmosphere at Tasty Burger in Harvard Square went well with the wide variety of tech talk. The conversations were a lot like attending a user group actually, with many other IT Professionals who listen to podcasts.


    Highlights included Cali's eye rolls as John recounted tales about his neighborhood, his awesome garage, and many more of his life adventures. They even brought some cool tech along with them to demonstrate, including Cali's beloved Backpack+Battery, and the nifty robotic 360 degree panarama-taking Motrr Galileo, a kickstarter success that creates fully immersive panaramas using Sphere, the app formerly known as TourWrist. Short Galileo "other uses" video here, with a more in depth look here.

    Meanwhile, see also a bunch of pics we snapped and uploaded to the Google Plus Boston Geek Beat Meetup! event. This was their first evening in town for a keynote they'll be delivering later in the week, over at the Ultimate Developers Event. What kind hosts they made, spending so much time with those of us who journeyed to this spot in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    Just thought I'd take a moment to thank Cali Lewis and John P., and to clue you all in to their fun and interesting tech videos at GeekBeat.TV, in case you somehow hadn't yet discovered their content, with their unique brand of talent, flare, and fun.

    Boston Meetup Sphere by John P and the Motrr Galileo
    Steve Uhlman tries on Google Glass for size [photographer unknown]

    Nov 22 2013 Update:
    GeekBeat Live #118 episode has a bit of Boston banter in the pre-show, wearing their new Harvard and MIT shirts (17 minutes).

    and a photo gallery from John P: