VMware wants your vSphere Beta feedback, simple sign-up form is now available
VMware has increasingly been a bit more open with their beta tests. Previously, such testing was only offered to folks lucky enough to work for large companies that happened to have a close partnership with VMware.
Then, back in 2014, VMware started offered beta testing of vSphere 6 to the public, which was very well received. I participated myself.
Then it got quiet....

I'm glad to announced that here in April of 2016, VMware has once again opened applications to everybody! Once could make an edumacated guess this is what will become vSphere 6.1 or 6.5, or whatever VMware winds up calling it.
As a beta tester myself, I can safely say that you will get to know the installation and configuration of these products better by having to deal with the "rough edges," which also means investing your time and energy into giving some constructive feedback should you find flaws. You'll also have a leg up on your peers when the product becomes GA, already ready to hit the ground running in your enterprise test/dev environment.
Sign-up Form
vSphere Beta
It’s Beta Time! The VMware vSphere team invites you to indicate your interest to join the vSphere Beta. This is a unique opportunity to get your voice in and shape the direction of vSphere.Please fill out this short survey to register your interest to join the vSphere Beta. Confirmed participants will be notified via email.
If admitted to the beta, you'll likely be agreeing to be under NDA, which means you will be able to post to private forums, but won't be able to publicly discuss your experiences.
This is a great chance for home lab enthusiasts who want not just a peek a the future, but also a chance at molding that future, getting you ahead in planning and testing for your eventual enterprise deployment.
See also at TinkerTry
See also
- vSphere Beta coming soon….
Mar 11 2016 by Duncan Epping at Yellow-Bricks