VMware will take the wraps off vSphere 6 on Feb 2 2015, TinkerTry will be ready!
Feb 2 2015 Update – it was hard to get in to see this live, but the replay is now available here, with press releases here.
This week's chatter about the shrouds coming off the latest Public Beta is ramping up, here's some samplers from the latest news on "vmware vsphere 6" "Feb 2":
VMware's vSphere 6 Said To Feature Deep Hybrid Cloud, End-User Computing Integration
by Kevin McLaughlin on Jan 6, 2015
The event, which will take place during VMware's annual partner conference but is not part of that event, will give the Palo Alto, Calif.-based vendor a chance to show off the first major update to its flagship server virtualization product since 2011.
VMware planning 'biggest launch' on Feb 2 - vSphere 6, step into the spotlight
The Register
by News Team on Jan 5 2015
The Reg is in receipt of a “hold the date” for a February 2nd event. We're also aware of chatter among the VMware faithful that those involved in the vSphere 6 beta are being asked to prepare themselves for “our biggest launch event to date” on and around that date .
vSphere 6 has been in beta since June 2014, with testers sworn to silence under a non-disclosure agreement.
TinkerTry doesn't usually really cover news, tending to stick with the how-to technical articles. But this time around, it's no secret that VMware went public with the
sign-up for the beta
so it's likely many more folks will be tinkering with this code before GA than ever before. This could be good, for the stability of the released product, we'll have to wait and see.
Meanwhile, wanted to be sure you know about the:
sign-up for the big reveal

What kinds of 6.0 topics can you expect at TinkerTry in February and March 2015?
Well, how about a new version of TinkerTry's very popular Build your own VMware vSphere 5.5 Datacenter with ESXi and VCSA? Yes, it'll be called "Build your own VMware vSphere 6.0 Datacenter with ESXi and VCSA." Think of it as a sort of "VMware vSphere 6 for Dummies" for for smarties, with step-by-step ESXi 6.0 and VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.0 (VCSA) installation and configuration details.
Without breaking NDA, from this site's name alone, "TinkerTry IT @ home" there are some hints. You can read it as either "Try it at home" or "Try IT at home" (as in Information Technology). That means they'll be:
- an ongoing focus on simplicity for the home-lab, including handling DNS easily
- using Rufus for building install USB flash drives that become the install target
- support for consumer gear commonly found in home labs, such Realtek NICs (interest already expressed here)
- support for USB 3.0
- support for AHCI SATA drives
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