Virtualization Lab for sale with 10GB vSAN, ships from a tiny island near Madagascar

I think there's something pretty interesting about a virtualization guy who has a 10GB Infiniband home lab, on an island, out in the Indian Ocean. I'm sharing this article now, because the items are now up for sale to anybody who wants them, with Vladan Seget picking up the shipping charges. Yes, the author of the popular virtualization blog lives on Reunion Island, about 300 miles east of Madagascar. Kind of like an IT Pro on Gilligan's Island. I've personally never met him, only spending time on his website. You can find out more about Vladan the VCP and vExpert over on
I don't suspect this sort of opportunity will come up often. He even offers a bit of help with setup. Even if you aren't in the market for a new lab, I thought you might be interested in this interesting read (with pictures):
VCP or VCAP preparation? – I Have Some Home Lab Hardware for Sale
by Vladan SEGET on Nov 08 2014
Don't miss his related article about getting his 10GB Infiniband rig going, featuring Mellanox HCA cards and a Topspin Infiniband switch:
My vSAN journey – all done!
May 11, 2014 by Vladan SEGET
And finally, in case you hadn't seen this already, don't forget:
Superguide: Home virtualization server enthusiasts’ colorful variety of ESXi whiteboxes
Posted by Paul Braren (continually updated)