The Reckoning 2015 - My experience
The contents of this article will be updated these next few days. Come on back and refresh. John Mark Troyer has assured me that all the videos of the presentations will be available soon too!
All the videos have arrived at the new TechReckoning YouTube Channel!
Original story appears below.
This special day has arrived, and despite some delays, I made it to Half Moon Bay today with 20 minutes to spare!
Already met so many new folks this first day of kickoff, and already so many wonderful moments. We quickly broke into informal discussion groups, sharing each of our career stories, along with work/life balance struggles. In another group, we talked routers, blogging, and even swapped "my first computer" stories. Yes, at one table of about 9 people, 2 others had their start with the beloved/maligned Commodore VIC-20. Wow, I found my tribe! There were many personal and career-confessional moments. Sharing your life face-to-face like this is how friendships are born, even among the introverts. Hard to overstate how important that is.
After dinner, John Mark and his wife Kat welcomed everybody, and kicked off the evening's discussions and presentations, including a special Geek Whisperers episode Livestreamed right from the stage! The audience was very engaged, and much fun and laughter was shared.
I'll be updating this article again soon, meanwhile, I'm happy to have some pics to share from Day 1. Come on back and revisit, to see all the latest pictures and stories.

Be sure to tune in to the Livestream on Monday Sep 14th at:
Sep 14 2015 - Day 2 Update

Zerto supports many virtualization blogs, big and small, and they stuck their neck out and helped TinkerTry from the early days, right through to today.

See also at TinkerTry
See also
It's @lauren bowing to @cody_bunch at #vBrownBag #TheReckoning15 ! @mjbrender @Emad_Younis
— Paul Braren (@paulbraren) September 13, 2015
Live! The opening session of #thereckoning15! Focus on community
— TechReckoning (@TechReckoning) September 14, 2015
@TechReckoning How many Geek Whisperers can you spot? @jtroyer @CommsNinja @mjbrender
— Paul Braren (@paulbraren) September 14, 2015
Thank you @giano “Nothing is impossible” presentation re: quality content @TechReckoning @cody_bunch #TheReckoning15
— Paul Braren (@paulbraren) September 14, 2015
Wow @shannonsnowden at #TheReckoning15 appreciate mention about joys of blogging! @ZertoCorp
— Paul Braren (@paulbraren) September 14, 2015
Of course Amy Lewis @CommsNinja has a unicorn on phone @TechReckoning #TheReckoning15 @mjbrender @jtroyer @dailykat
— Paul Braren (@paulbraren) September 14, 2015
Here at Day 2 of #TheReckoning #vBrownBag Livestreamed! @PrimeImageVideo @TechReckoning
— Paul Braren (@paulbraren) September 14, 2015
"Our world is freaky" @Scobleizer @TechReckoning #TheReckoning15
— Paul Braren (@paulbraren) September 15, 2015
Travel adventures are cool, meeting new people is great, getting home to CT is pretty awesome too (earlier today)
— Paul Braren (@paulbraren) September 15, 2015