VMworld 2015 - Thank you, each and every company that sponsors VMworld Spousetivities!

Posted by Paul Braren on Sep 8 2015 in
  • Virtualization
  • Presentations
  • Spousetivities-logo

    After many years of attending conferences solo, I was very glad to easily convince my wife to come along for a San Francisco adventure this year, enjoying some time off from work. Given I knew I had a rather busy schedule planned, the existence of Spousitivities (Spouse activities) was the deciding factor behind her joining me on this great adventure, 2,600 miles from home. I have Crystal Lowe @crystal_lowe to thank, as well the big list of sponsors Crystal lined up. We appreciate the wide variety of cool activities and swag. And I loved hearing stories from my wife each day about her adventures. A much more fun and fulfilling week for both of us!

    I know how hard it must be to secure the ongoing support of these companies, big and small. I just thought it right for me to express my sincere appreciation for this program. The opportunity for my wife to explore a new city is a gift, as were the new friendships made. Next year is already being discussed, that's a good sign, it's a hit!

    The official VMworld 2015 Spousitivites t-shirt.

    If you're an IT Pro reading this, consider bringing your significant other along next time, with Crystal arranging activities at many other conferences besides VMworld.

    Spousetivities Sponsors - VMworld 2015 San Francisco

    See also


    I’ve talked before about how the sponsors help make Spousetivities happen by offsetting some of the expense of the events and keeping costs as low as possible. While I (and the Spousetivities participants) appreciate the Global Gold sponsors, there are a bunch of other sponsors that also make Spousetivities happen.

    Being an owner of a small business in Spousetivities, I can appreciate the challenge of supporting the community but doing so in a way that is consistent with the financial health of the business. This is why I feel it’s really important to provide a “shout out” to some of the smaller companies that support Spousetivities.
    If you have a company on a budget with backup needs, please take the time to check out vBackup by Thinware. Also, I’m sure they’d appreciate it if you could drop them a note thanking them for their faithfulness in supporting Spousetivities over the years and for being a part of the community. Right now, Thinware is also offering a discount on their solution to those who participate in or those who follow Spousetivities. Enter “Coupon Code: Spousetivities-VMworldUS2015” when you purchase any of their solutions and a 25% discount will be applied when you are invoiced.
