Skype versus Google+ Hangout video quality testing, using Verizon 3G and 4G LTE
Took an iPhone 5, and turned off WiFi and Bluetooth. Then used Settings, General, Cellular, to toggle "true 4G" LTE on and off.
Did a speed test on LTE at 37.00Mbps down and 7.29Mbps up, 5 bars of signal:

Did a second speed test on 3G at 1.75Mbps down and 0.87Mbps up, 5 bars of signal:

This was to establish 3G and 4G top speeds. Wow, pretty huge difference. I've seen these sorts of differences in a variety of locations around my state of Connecticut, where LTE is wdespread since back in June 2011.
I ran a Yoga 13 with Windows 8 called yZilla, out on the home's solid cable connection from Cox. Was able to easily handle 30Mbps down and 5 Mbps via the 802.11N WiFi.
Next, ran Skype tests, with the iPhone on 3G, then on 4G LTE.
Then ran Google+ Hangout tests, with the iPhone on 3G, then on 4G LTE.
Quickly becomes apparent that Google+ uses a bit more bandwidth in both directions, but also has better video quality, smoother (more frames per second) when watched live. Picture below doesn't do it justice. I'll need to record video for that. It's also apparent that Windows 8 Task Manager is extremely handy.
Judge for yourself by viewing photo gallery below. Even better, try out a similar test, and share your findings in the open comments below, now with picture sharing abilities!