"The 3rd Annual Home Server Show Meetup" in Indianapolis Sep 21 2013 - TinkerTry'll be there!

Posted by Paul Braren on Sep 16 2013 in
  • Podcasts
  • Presentations
  • meetup2013tweet
    Image compilation courtesy of David McCabe of Home Server Show. That’s me taking the picture of Chris Kenney.

    Fun related tweet (seen at right) here. Big event originally announced here, with over 70 registered attendees already, with room for a few more! That's quite a growth in one year, and I'm really looking forward to attending for my second time. Having been a recent guest on The Digital Media Zone's Home: On #005, I'll even get to meet Richard GuntherJosh Pollard and Craig Scholle, in person. Yes, the same Craig who joined me for the VMware ESXi 5.5 first look, a couple of weeks back. Even jpeg2RAW's Mike Howard is making the trip!

    It's been like Christmas in September this year for my home lab's vZilla lately, with the new releases of VMware ESXi 5.5, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials, and a new Hyper-V. There's so much to talk about, and this is a great opportunity to mingle with other humans, who share similar interests.

    This year, David McCabe landed Synology as a sponsor. It'll be good to see them again! See also Synology at CES 2012: VMware compatibility explained by Franklin Hua, Technical Marketing Manager, and check out his new article, How to measure IOPS for VMware - May 22 2013.

    Live tracking of Friday Sep 20 BDL-CLE flight here, with the 2nd leg from CLE-IND here. Getting an eco-ride from the airport to the meetup by The Average Guy's Jim Collison, in his 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid. Hmm, seems familiar! And just learned I'm sharing the ride with Rich O'Neil, of Rich's Random Podcast Generator!

    Tech enthusiast attire for yard work. Sep 16 2013.

    Join us in person by registering here, or join in on the related forum chat over here. This should be a good Saturday of geeking out together, sharing tips and techniques, and swarming the local Fry's Electronics and Microsoft Store. Come back and visit this article throughout the weekend, since I'll of course be doing a bit of blogging during the evenings, like last year. Oh, yeah, don't forget to also look back at The 2nd Annual Home Server Show Meetup" in Indianapolis Indiana October 20th 2012.

    This time, it's sure to be both bigger and better!**

    But first, got to finish mowing the lawn, stylin' in suburbia with my sensible bluetooth headset hack. What was I listening to? Well, of course, it was The Home Server Show Podcast #206 , and David McCabe's quip at this spot about how T-shirt give-aways get used for yard work. Do ya think?

    Watch for future updates coming soon, to be added right here. Consider subcribing to this article's comments below, or follow TinkerTry.com.

    Tue Sep 17 2013:

    Alan Eisen, kindly drove me around, and has 100TB in his home lab

    Looks like alan2k has kindly offered to pitch in with airport shuttle assistance, thank you Alan!

    Fri Sep 20 2013 DAY 1:
    Day one was good fun. Day two will be too!

    David McCabe’s mug.
    DMZ’s Richard Gunther arrives.
    Alan Eisen knows that other Oracle, carries a big surface
    Dave’s gotta get a picture of that for the blog, self-proclaimed ‘Geek’ standing by
    Red Habanero, a short walk away, good times. Thank you Dave!

    Sat Sep 21 2013 DAY 2:

    Jim runs a tight ship, check-in was a breeze, with a Surface
    Everybody giving their undivided attention.
    Microsoft Surfii, and a whole lot more.
    Very nice looking rig.
    Show Sponsors showing their wares.
    John Stutsman’s Enthusiasm is evident.
    Craig Sholle, Richard Gunther, and Josh Pollard, DMZ ‘Secret Confessions’.
    David projecting his Synology knowledge.
    Microsoft Laser Home Server Show.
    Do you think things may have gone just a little too far with the smoke machine.
    It’s 5pm, that means traditional end-of-day-give-aways!
    Mike Howard letting lucky winner Rich O’Neil know the OS of choice, for that sweet 286 luggable.
    Do you want Fry’s with that?
    All in good fun!
    Pretty sudden crown forms at the Microsoft Store.
    Clearly, these are not your average shoppers. Discerning buyers, even with Dave’s discount. Tough crowd!
    OK Gordon, what did you do this time?
    Dave cracks up the Microsoft Store Employee.
    DMZ’s Richard Gunther and Josh Pollard. This was a special event! Colorful happy photo courtesy of Keith Lunsford. Thank you Keith, thank you Microsoft!
    Late night eats, for 20+ hungry geeks. Despite footing the [eventual] bill, the generous DMZ crew was [mostly] still smiles, even with that Irish music. Seriously, thank you Dave, DMZ, and show sponsors for all the food. Very generous, and certainly unexpected!

    Sep 29 2013 Update:
    Some more pics added:

    Special [remote] guest, John Zajdler, with laptop and bandwidth by TinkerTry.com
    Here’s Johnny!

    A new compilation video, by Tim Black, aka vinylfreak, has been published, seen here. What comedic timing on that soundtrack!
