Intel Xeon D-1540 10GbE X552/X557 driver/VIB for VMware ESXi 6 on Supermicro 5028D-TN4T/X10SDV-TLN4F now available!
Nov 02 2015 update - The driver was apparently never available, even for commercial vSphere license holders who have a My VMware account#. I'm very sorry for any confusion my misguided VMware Support information may have caused. I do have an active SR# opened now for this missing driver download URL investigation, detailed in the discussion below. I also used the "feedback" button on the X552 download list site to report the issue. Others with commercial vSphere licenses have kindly pitched in over the weekend and opened their own tickets into this as well.
6:15pm eastern time
It appears JBBERLIN77777 has located the 5.5 version now, which may work for 6.0, this is good news!
9:45pm eastern time
It works. Install instructions are now available here at TinkerTry:
See also tweets here.
Original post below:
Breaking news - The driver is apparently now available for commercial vSphere license holders in their "My VMware" account. Many will also be happy to see that the download overview page includes both ESXi 6.0 and 5.5:
Curerently, I can't get to the download URL VMware points to for all versions of this VIB:
You do not have access to an Account. Check with your Super User, Procurement Contact or Administrator.
I'm still investigating my options, as I'd obviously very much love to test this driver out on my cluster of 2 X552-equipped SYS-5028D-TN4T SuperServers that are already at ESXi 6.0 Update 1a. With my Samsung 950 PROs arriving very soon, this will make one heck of an (unsupported but fun) all-flash vSAN, ROBO Edition!
Despite my current frustration, and days of "My VMware" issues, it sure seems best to get the good word out there right away, for others to give it a go then hopefully drop their comments below. Only then can I drop the question mark from this post's title.
For the full story and updates to this still unfolding story, this link will jump you right over to just the right spot in the original post here: