Featured on "Home Gadget Geeks" Episode #211 "TinkertryIT@Home Founder Paul Braren on VMware 6 and Virtualization Options – HGG211"
Always an honor to join Jim on the air, getting to use my new mic for the first time. turns out this podcast might also get rebroadcast on AM radio in West Virginia. Now that's a first for me!
Despite my temporary, less-than-optimal Tucson AZ hotel "studio" with efficient lighting and a weak camera, we still managed to capture good audio from the many virtualization and storage topics we covered. And I even got to meet Mike Wieger!
Here's Jim's description:
Paul Braren from TinkerTry.com (http://www.tinkertry.com/) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/paulbraren) and Mike Wieger from http://wiegertech.com/ and the Open Mike Night Podcast http://omnpodcast.com/ joins Jim (https://twitter.com/jcollison) for show #211 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network, part of http://thegeeksnetwork.com/ community.
See also the particularly interesting and funny chat transcript.
Detailed shownotes, podcast feeds, and more, at:

On the episode, I discuss VMware, Intel Xeon-D, and storage. Near the end, I mention the StarTech S3510BMU33ET enclosure for 3.5" disk drives. The full name is a mouthful:

Podcast video playback:
See also