Image compilation courtesy of David McCabe of Home Server Show. That’s me taking the picture of Chris Kenney. Fun related tweet (seen at right) here. Big event originally announced here, with over 70 registered attendees already, with room for a few more! That's quite a growth in one year,…
Today, those of us here in Southern New England owe a thank you to Kelser's Matthew Kozloski, who sponsored and ran this fun and educational Hartford VMUG Meeting. The unique outdoors setting made for a picturesque backdrop at the Northwest Park Picnic Pavilion. The opportunity to meet new folks …
Here's the fun email I received a while back YOU’RE INVITED: Summer Slam VTUG (aka NEVMUG) and Lobstah Bake! Hey All, I wanted to reach out to the VTUG community. As most of you know Summer Slam 2013 is fast approaching. It is a great event and in this day and age of training budgets being cut, it i…
To view the slide deck, the presentation itself, click here, or just view it below. Soon, there'll be video playback from the event as well, available here once published. Having never been to a security user group event before, I initially felt like a bit of an outsider, but felt very welcome in a s…
I'm very happy to have been given this chance to present publicly by Matthew Kozloski, so glad I met him! I find doing live demos fun, and the face-to-face questions and feedback extremely helpful. Here's my presentation summary: Paul Braren, Founder of the “TinkerTry IT @ home” blog at Tink…
When working at an IBM customer center from 1995-2005, I spent a lot of evenings helping host local user groups, something I thoroughly enjoyed. If you've been to this site before, you already know I like getting out, such as attending the Hyper-V Loadfest. The value I get out of these events is f…
Here's a look back at some presentations that came out of some consulting work I had done for a variety of customers, in a variety of datacenter creation and consolidation projects, as an IBM Lab Services employee. All involved VMware virtualization. I started noticing areas where I could greatly…
Before voting closes on June 8th, please consider the sessions you'd like to see presented at VMworld 2012 this August 26th-30th in San Francisco CA: Also consider voting for a session I proposed called: Session 2358 "Build Your Own VMware vSphere Home …
This really is a lab project/learning exercise, where I document what works well for me, and for many other site visitors. Feedback through comments below are always appreciated! Here's a list of articles/references I mentioned during or shortly after the presentation: My energy consumption …
I'm the kind of geek IT Professional that likes to see live demonstrations, if I make the drive to evening or weekend user group meetings. I find it fun to see speakers take risks, and not worry too much about a little something going spectacularly wrong during a live demo. Much more …