How to securely erase hard drives (HDDs) and solid state drives (SSDs)

Posted by Paul Braren on Jun 11 2015 in
  • Storage
  • It's spring cleaning time! I was Googling around today for the latest on drive erasure techniques, and was pleasantly surprised to spot this detailed article:

    Thank you, Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, for kindly featuring the video I created:

    Very much appreciated!

    ZDNet's article features helpful info, including:

    • ways to use a hammer and nail to shatter spinny drive platters
    • a unique standalone hardware solution
    • details on the unique methods to wipe SSDs

    The video features an old laptop I use to refresh abused SSDs, including a strange but automated suspend-and-resume cycle Parted Magic needs to "unlock" before the Secure Erase. Also mentioned is my use the wickedly fast and effective bootable media creator called Rufus that created the bootable Linux-based environment, part of the Parted Magic ISO you download for $10.

    If you haven't seen the video already, enjoy!

    See also at TinkerTry


    See also