Featured on “The Home Tech Podcast” Episode #123 "We are talking Home Servers!"

Posted by Paul Braren on Jun 20 2013 in
  • HomeServer
  • Podcasts
  • Windows
  • Here's Jim Collison's announcement of this Public Google Hangout Event at 9pm Eastern on Thursday, June 20 2013.

    Windows Home Server MVP John Zajdler and Paul Braren of TinkerTry.com, WHS Addins, Windows Server 2012 Essentials and R2 – HT123

    You know any time we have Microsoft Windows Home Server MVP John Zajdler on the show it means we are taking Home Servers!  From WS 2012 Essentials Rollup 2, to the latest from HP and the Gen 8 Microserver, to Jim and is Drobo, and Special Guest from TinkerTry.com Paul Braren will help us fill the hour with Storage and Backup topics.  Join us live at 8pmC/9E at http://theAverageGuy.tv

    Here's some background information on we covered.

    I’ll be touching upon many of the topics covered in my new guide here:
    getting into first-hand experiences with Windows Server 2012 Essential, including some not-yet-published articles. So that means you'll hear it it first, only on the live podcast.

    We'll talk about the recent Update Rollup 2

    and touch upon the upcoming R2 release: